Fine Chemicals

Chemical Compound
As Per Product

manufacture our offered products, we have built a well-designed infrastructure facility. We have chosen a team of talented professionals to compile our business tasks in effective manner. Our professionals appointed on the basis of their knowledge and educational ability by our human resources professionals. With the help of these skilled professionals we are able to manufacture the offered products with a constant rate that enabled us to fulfill all the bulk demands within the committed frame of time.We are specialized in developing lab infrastructure, which includes manufacturing of Lab Furniture, Work tables & other furniture.We also provide the provisions such as Gas, Electricity & Water connection which are the life line of any Laboratory.We also provide the provisions such as Gas, Electricity & Water connection which are the life line of any Laboratory.

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Rajinder Gupta

Company details
Chemical Supplies, flavours, fine chemical Fine Chemicals All,Chemical Supplies, flavours, fine chemical Chemical Supplies,Chemical Supplies, flavours, fine chemical Flavours & Food Additives