Workid App

WORKID is a global platform for businesses that connects you with millions of Manufacturers/Entrepreneurs/Contractors/Service Providers/Workers/Freelancers etc. from all over the world. Thereby, it is the best platform to flourish your business.

Insights of the WORKID app

A.) Create your official Work ID and upload all your work details with pictures and share them with the world.

B.) People from around the globe, who are searching for products/services come to your profile. Anyone can send you an inquiry & you can have one to one interaction with them through the available features of INBOX and CHATBOX.

C.) Your WORKID acts as your website containing all information about your work. It is free from any Marketing packages, annual renewal, commissions, or subscription charges.

D.) WORKID offers many impressive tools to manage your business smoothly like pocket expenses, ledger entries with any debtor/creditor, to-do’s, and notes.